Camp Merritt Post 21Newsletter
January 2017
The Board and I hope you enjoyed your holidays and we wish you the best for 2017.
Breakfast for the October, November and December months has been well attended and well received. We are averaging 120 to 130 diners each Sunday. Congratulations to the Kitchen Crew.
There was no general meeting in December. Meeting for 2017: Executive meetings 2nd Tuesday, General Meetings 3rd Tuesday.
The American Legion Perry Post in Spark hill, New York, held its’ annual Turkey Shoot, chaired by Al Kanze, on the last two Sundays in October, 23rd & 30th. A good crowd showed up and a lot of turkeys were won.
On Wednesday, November 2nd St. Therese Academy’s annual Honor Our Veterans Day was held in the school auditorium at 10 am. This is one of our special days in the year, and many veterans attended.
The Half Way to St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance held on Saturday, November 19 was well attended. There was great food and music, and a few dancers showed off their steps.
Sunday, December 18, was lunch with Santa. The food was enjoyed by all and Santa did a terrific job with all the children. Also on hand was our favorite face-painter, Hug-A-Me, the children line up as soon as she arrives. It’s great to see all the smiling faces.
On Wednesday, December 21, 2016, our Post held a tribute to Medal of Honor Recipient, Nicholas Oresko; we placed a wreath from Wreaths Across America on his grave in George Washington Cemetery in Paramus. We will do this each and every year. We thank all who attended (to many to mention) including C.P.D, Chief Ed Wrixon and Deputy Chief Jim Domville.
We have added this pine tree dedicated to the memory of Tom Maier.
Tom was a member of the S.A.L. who was a great asset to Post 21.
His talents are truly missed by all.
Donation were made to the following: a needy veteran was provided a complete bed set; C.P.D. Toy Drive received $200 and two full boxes of toys; the Office of Concern for needy families received $1,000 of gift card to Target; the George F. Axt Memorial Nurse Scholarship fund $50.
Save the dates: Our first breakfast of the New Year will be Sunday, January 15, 2017. Friday, January 20th 5 to 8 pm we will hold our Second Fish Fry serving flounder, fries, coleslaw, salad, cookies, coffee and tea. Donation is $10.00 per person.
Saturday February 25th we are planning a St. Valentine’s Dinner Dance with live music.
On Saturday, June 24, 2017 join us for our second Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Night.
●We still have some non-paid membership dues. If you have not paid for 2017 please do so. Anyone who has a financial difficulty please contact Joe Cutolo (this will be kept strictly confidential).
● If you are receiving this newsletter in the mail and you have email please send us your email address.
For God & Country
Joe Cutolo Dick Moloney
Commander Adjutant